Speaking Calendar
To book Shelby to speak at your
next live event, visit www.shelbykearney.com,
email us at Shelby@popshouse.org,
or call (917) 689-2543.
Shelby looking on as she prepares to speak during the panel discussion at the Happy Black Woman's DC Blogging School event.
June 12, 2016: Women Who Rock Leveraging Their Time and Talent interview hosted by Dena Patrice.
May 16, 2016: Success Speaker at Launch Your Business Live 3-Day Boot Camp, Atlanta, GA.
May 5, 2016: Honoree and Panel Speaker at Woman of Empowerment Gala, Philadelphia, PA.
December 16, 2015: Webinar Interview, “Using Networking to Fund Dreams and Help Veterans and Ex Offenders”, hosted by KC Townes.
December 11, 2015: ABC27 Interview. Pop’s House Gives Vets a Helping Hand on Return the Favor hosted by James Crummell.
October 17, 2015: Inspirational Panel Speaker, Blogging School Live 3-Day Intensive, Washington, DC.
September 17, 2015: The Robert M. Jackson Veterans Center Gala. Acceptance Speech, Granville, PA
April 23, 2015: Internet radio interview. Businesses Paying it Forward on The Kevin Zimmerman Show.